Monday, January 24, 2011

Oil and Gas

In the oil and gas industry safety and performance are of utmost importance.  The assurance of quality is an immeasurable asset when oil company's are selecting high grade materials .  This stems from fixing castings to welding together rigs or pipeline repair.  Filler metals play a unique role in the support system within the oil and gas industry.  Devasco provides unique and tailored solutions to many companies involved this massive industry.  Clients can certainly confirm the difference that custom solutions provide.  Solutions that are tailored to specific needs can both shorten the time frame of a job as well as provide data to support the particular stress levels needed for optimum use.  Many of Devasco's filler metals surpass the minimum requirements that we receive.  Time and safety are far to valuable a commodity to ignore.  Take time to view our website and improve your sense of security in your filler metal selection. Check us out at

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